But things have changed since then. In November 2004 I was in the blissful position of not having a job. Every one of those 50,000 words was written in an unemployed state of full-time free-time. These days I have a job. And a wife. And a daughter. All of which take up at least 24 hours of every day, and leave very little time for sleep, never mind novel-writing.
But I'd love to do it all again. And my heart says I can. My head, unfortunately, says I'm off my rocker to even consider it. I work for the NHS, and see up to thirty patients a day. By the time I get home, I feel like I need hospitalisation myself. So the chances of me being able to bash out 2,000 words before bedtime every night seem remote.
I've got the website though. And the desire. And a fortnight to convince myself I can do it. I've even come up with a title. It's just the words I'm doubtful about...
But in the meantime, you can read my 2004 effort here. Or visit my main blog here.
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